About Me
David Lloyd Collins
I left school with no real qualifications
I started by doing night art classes, getting my O level and A level
I also did a night class in life drawing, painting and drawing nudes that really honed my skills.
then I did a fulltime diploma in art at Leamington spa college.
I then moved to Bournemouth doing HN Diploma in natural history (wildlife) where I learnt the building blocks to my painting skill.
It was when I got back that I got into oil painting.
Painting is a passion for me and like all people you have to put the work in to get the most out of it.
Being slow to dry I love that it allows me to work on a area until I am happy with the look.
I can be creative and know that if it does not work I can just rework it until it does, the freedom is everything and the ability to try new things without worry is fantastic.
For me as an artist the ability to try new ways to paint either with brushes, pallet knives or my own painting tools that I have created to applying paint to the canvas is a huge reason for my want to painting.
My passion is to do the best and evolving as an artist to be better.
when I painting it is like reading a story each line giving you more and more